Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Happy ....Sad

I know I can get upset over the little things and I shouldn't, but all the silly paperwork that has to be done for an adoption is crazy. I told my social worker in August that I needed a home study for adoption number two. We finally got together in November... yep November. She had sent me the papers for our child abuse clearance that I mailed back right away in October but the last page wasn't there so when she came to the house I was able to give her this page, which meant the paper didn't go out to the DCF until mid November... at this time we were still waiting on our approval from China so there wasn't a huge rush... I just wanted it all done so that when the approval came I could have my dossier totally done and out the door to our agency.
Well as you know, we got turned down from China on December 4th so after the few days of crying our agency said, "let's move you over to our new Taiwan program"... this is a whole different game... you start out by having your Home Study submitted and then go from there on the paperwork.. the only way we could get in line was to have this HS.
So now I became a maniac!! I called the SW and told her I needed it TODAY.. but we needed the clearance and she said, "it should be here this Thursday if not for sure next Thursday" So I waited. But neither Thursday did it show up and I think she went out of town for a few days and I was going INSANE!! My agency said they didn't think another family was ready to submit their HS but they would let me know.. and THERE WAS ONLY TWO SPOTS LEFT!!
I finally could not take it any longer and started calling a woman I know at the Dept of Child Services who gave me a number to call. I upset my "person"... my social worker but I could not just sit and wait!!! I don't want her upset but I was upset and had to do something!
Then the agency told me that another family sent their HS... so now there was only ONE spot left!
Finally the woman from DCF called to my agency and said if I gave permission she would run our backgrounds right then and there and give us a clearance... and I said YES OF COURSE YOU CAN.
We had a clearance in 15 minutes and the next morning I had a HS! I felt a HUGE ton fell from my shoulders! Our SW got it signed and sent and we then were logged in...
SW needed a letter from me to attach to HS to send to CIS for the 171-H clearance for bringing a baby through immigrations.. and I forgot.. I really forgot!... but I did finally get it to her and today I recieved my signed original HOME STUDY!
and please don't tell her.. but there are a few errors in there and I have to call her tomorrow and have her correct and resend!!.. SHE IS GOING TO KILL ME!
There has to be an easier way to get these babies to a loving home! There just has to be!

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