Tuesday, March 13, 2007

She is Ours!!

Some of this entire adoption thing is a crazy waste of time. Like today. We boarded the bus to the American Consulate and the woman looked at our passports and at the baby's passport...put a stamp on it and then a man came out to give a bit of a speech and then made us raise our right hand and promise to take care of her or some hooky government bs and then they said she was adopted!
She is a duel citizen.... she will become an official US citizen the minute we cross customes in the United States... that will be about 8:00 PM on the day of the 16th of March!!!

We are leaving for Hong Kong in the morning early and I am not sure if I will have internet at the hotel we are going to. We are done with our group tour and on our own once we get to Hong Kong!

We love everyone and can't wait to get home with our little angel!!!

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