Thursday, July 24, 2008

Grapevine Update

I heard tonight that the birth mom has gotten our letters and we are just waiting on our invite to the jail.
Also there is some concern as to Trenton's health.. wonder if this is just another one of those ploys by Mercy to try to stop me from adopting him.

I AM NOT GIVING UP! I hope they understand this! I see his face and my heart pounds. I can not wait to hug and hold him. What I find to be so sad is the fact that they would rather play with this child's life and hold him in a situation that is not healthy for a child then to let us adopt him because of a divorce.

I wish I had more to tell you but that is all at this time.

We continue to clean the house, paint and get ready for our "daughter for a year!"
She said, "love you mom" on the chat this morning and my heart melted!! We are so looking forward to her arrival! I hope the airport doesn't call security on our noisy family!! LOL

We also found out that her good friend was picked by a family in Northern Florida so she is very happy about that!! And we have another family in our town that is getting a student from Taiwan! If I don't learn some Chinese this year.. I will never learn Chinese!!

Happy Weekend everyone!!

1 comment:

Sarah k said...

So exciting Ginnie! Hang in there on Trenton and I can't wait to see how this all pans out!!!